Technology; Simplified.

Blueprint for bootstrapping success

Business Bootstrapping

The Clouditect understands that as a new business owner, you don’t just wear many hats; You wear all of the hats. Time is one of your most valuable commodities, and you must invest it wisely. Sure, you could learn the basics you need to buy a domain, create and publish a site, configure and customize your email, set up SEO, marketing, newsletters, and all the rest… But why would you when your Clouditect is so well versed in that world? Clouditects believe that your time is better spent sharing your business’s model, objectives and ethos to a dedicated professional who is invested in your success. Speak to us about the heart and soul of your business, about it’s identity, challenges and needs. Let your Clouditect handle translating those priorities from English to Nerd with the peace of mind that they understand your business’s unique needs. We’ll provide right-sized solutions that are easy to use and understand. Experience success; simplified.

Integration & Automation

In today’s digital landscape, nothing exists in a vacuum. Websites, software and digital platforms are tightly integrated with external services, vendors and 3rd party APIs. How can you know which will serve your needs? How should you compare them, or make a selection from competing vendors? From analytic integrations to data transformation pipelines, through API wrappers and bulk storage operations, your Clouditect knows every inch of this complicated terrain. They’re well versed in these choices. More importantly, they are singularly focused on your business’s specific needs. From high level technical project management to low level code, system management, data security and network integrations, your Clouditect is perfectly positioned to deliver the solutions you need without cruft. As always, they are dedicated to delivering simple, robust, understandable solutions. Experience complexity; Simplified.

white hat site reliability

Maintenance & Prevention

Whether we built it for you or not, your Clouditect believes that your technology solutions should be efficient, reliable, secure and simple. Are your Wordpress plugins out of date? Did you receive an incomprehensible notification about a forced upgrade to your Squarespace, Wix or other hosted web site? Did that already happen, and now things are broken or just look all wrong? Did someone build something for you and leave you stranded to manage it yourself? Do you feel that you’re being overcharged for a tech or tech adjacent services? Perhaps you are on a cloud provider like Amazon or Google, and received an update that might as well have been written in cuneiform. You think you may need to take action but you don’t know what action is best, or even safe to take. Is it a scam? A cash grab? Your Clouditect not only understands the tech jargon, but they get you, your business, and how you operate. They’re dedicated to simplifying and translating the jargon to get to the heart of what needs to be done in the way that best serves your interests. Experience peace of mind; Simplified.

Live Support

When it NEEDS to work. Right. Now. That’s when your Clouditect shines. Tensions are high. Systems are down. Profits are hemorrhaging. Customers are angry. Your Clouditect gets it. They’ve been there, and they understand the difficulty of making tough calls with big consequences. Fortunately, they’ve seen (and fixed) this, or something like it, before. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t build it for you. It doesn’t matter if they’ve never been on your systems before. They’re level headed and un-phased by the pressure of the moment. They are tenacious and relentless in the face of these challenges, and they won’t rest until things are sorted to your satisfaction. Twenty four hours a day, three hundred sixty five days a year, your Clouditect is your peace of mind.
Experience reliability; Simplified.